When was the last time you journalled?
Draw Your Way Home is a bilingual collage journal that pairs deconstructed images from Malaysian magazines with text prompts for reflection.
Testimonials for “Draw Your Way Home” Journal
“I like the introspection and the sharing of experiences that are sort of taboo. It's comforting as I go through similar experiences and I don't feel so alone.”
“This journal made me ask questions I have never thought of asking myself before - and for that, I’m truly grateful. I can’t wait to share this journal with others!”
“It’s poetic, grounding and intimate. The format is cute. As I’m reading about someone else, it is easier to attempt the prompts that are meant for me.”

Are you ready to begin this journey with yourself?
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This creative journey was created by artist Rupa Subramaniam in collaboration with Ratnadevi Manokaran, Rozella Mahjhrin, Punnagai Krishnan, and Nupurasa.
Art Assistant
Swit Marie
Body-Postive Photographer
Graphic Designer and Illustrator
Sunny Kumari
This collage journal was commissioned by Innovation for Change - East Asia.
Curator, Charis Loke
To feel good in your body is an act of resistance.
Working with women who champion intersectional bodily autonomy in the Malaysian digital space, Rupa asks these questions through the creation of a bilingual collage journal that pairs deconstructed images from magazines with text prompts for reflection.
Draw Your Way Home is a space for exploration, a platform for play, an invitation to a collective effort to listen to and recognise the language of our bodies.
Crucially, it reminds us that we cannot advocate for our bodies without also understanding and making space for the embodied needs and histories they carry.